Dating back to the year 1152, when Prince Yuriy Dolgorukh founded the town, it is considered one of the most important cities of the Golden Ring region, located north-east of Moscow. Between 1175 and 1302, it was the capital of the principality of pereslavl. In 1302, it became part of the grand duchy of Moscow. Learn about Alexander Nevsky and why he is on the local red square (yes, pereslavl also has a Red square). Visit one of the private museums inside a hut and buy a souvenir. Learn how to fly a kite (or just take a dip in the lake). See the boat built by Peter the Great with his hands. Visit North-Eastern Rus' oldest white stone church, Transfiguration, the Savior Cathedral. Visit working and non-working monasteries and compare notes. Ride a genuine handcar at Museum of steam locomotives.